Sky sports news reporters female

Here are some female Sky Sports News reporters:

  1. Hayley McQueen - She is a well-known and popular presenter on Sky Sports News, covering a range of sports including football, cricket, and rugby.
  2. Charlotte Jackson - A former BBC presenter, Charlotte joined Sky Sports News in 2015 and has presented various sports programs, including the channel's flagship show, "The Debate".
  3. Sarah-Jane Mee - A presenter and reporter on Sky Sports News, Sarah-Jane has covered a range of sports, including football, tennis, and athletics.
  4. Kerrie-Louise Harrison - A reporter and presenter on Sky Sports News, Kerrie-Louise has covered various sports, including football, cricket, and rugby.
  5. Bryony Frost - A presenter and reporter on Sky Sports News, Bryony has covered a range of sports, including football, tennis, and athletics.
  6. Amy Lewis - A reporter and presenter on Sky Sports News, Amy has covered various sports, including football, cricket, and rugby.
  7. Vicky Gomersall - A reporter and presenter on Sky Sports News, Vicky has covered a range of sports, including football, tennis, and athletics.
  8. Hayley Roberts - A reporter and presenter on Sky Sports News, Hayley has covered various sports, including football, cricket, and rugby.

These are just a few examples of the many talented female reporters and presenters who work on Sky Sports News.