Sky news the pledge

You're referring to the popular segment on Sky News, "The Pledge"!

For those who may not know, "The Pledge" is a daily segment on Sky News where a panel of experts, including politicians, journalists, and thought leaders, come together to discuss and debate the most pressing issues of the day. The segment is known for its lively and often provocative discussions, as the panelists share their perspectives and insights on topics ranging from politics and economics to social justice and culture.

The format of "The Pledge" typically involves a moderator posing questions to the panel, and then allowing each member to share their thoughts and opinions. The segment often features a mix of agreement and disagreement, as the panelists engage in respectful but robust discussions.

Some of the most notable aspects of "The Pledge" include:

  1. The diverse range of perspectives: The panelists come from different backgrounds, political affiliations, and industries, ensuring that the discussions are well-rounded and nuanced.
  2. The emphasis on evidence-based debate: The segment encourages panelists to support their arguments with facts and data, rather than relying on personal opinions or biases.
  3. The focus on solutions: Rather than simply debating the problems, "The Pledge" encourages panelists to propose potential solutions and strategies for addressing the issues at hand.

Overall, "The Pledge" is a unique and engaging segment that offers viewers a chance to engage with complex issues and hear from a range of expert perspectives.