Singapore international graduate awards 2023

The Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) is a prestigious award that provides scholarships to international students pursuing a PhD in Singapore. Here are the details for the SINGA 2023:

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Be a citizen of a country other than Singapore.
  2. Have a strong academic record, with a minimum of a bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in a relevant field.
  3. Have a good command of English, as it is the primary language used in Singapore.
  4. Meet the admission requirements of the chosen university and research group.
  5. Not be a permanent resident of Singapore.

Award Details:

  1. The SINGA award covers:
    • Tuition fees
    • Monthly stipend of SGD 2,000
    • One-time airfare grant of up to SGD 1,000
    • Settling-in allowance of SGD 1,000
    • Medical insurance coverage
  2. The award is tenable for up to 4 years, subject to satisfactory progress.
  3. The award is open to students pursuing a PhD in any of the following fields:
    • Biomedical Sciences
    • Engineering
    • Information Technology
    • Physical Sciences
    • Social Sciences
  4. The award is administered by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and the National Research Foundation (NRF).

Application Process:

  1. Submit an online application through the SINGA website.
  2. Choose a research group and supervisor from the list of participating universities.
  3. Upload the required documents, including:
    • Academic transcripts
    • Research proposal (max. 4 pages)
    • CV
    • Recommendation letters
  4. Submit the application by the deadline (usually in March or April).


The deadline for SINGA 2023 is usually in March or April. Please check the official SINGA website for the exact deadline and any updates.

Tips and Reminders:

  1. Start early: Give yourself plenty of time to prepare your application and research proposal.
  2. Research thoroughly: Choose a research group and supervisor that aligns with your interests and expertise.
  3. Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria: Check the eligibility criteria carefully to ensure you meet the requirements.
  4. Proofread your application: Make sure your application is error-free and well-written.

I hope this information helps! Good luck with your application!