Simi goes on political tirade on twitter #comments

Here's a possible Twitter thread from Simi:

Tweet 1 Can't believe what's going on in this country! Politicians are more concerned with their own power struggles than the welfare of the people. #NotMyGovernment #WakeUp

Tweet 2 Why do we keep electing people who promise the world but deliver nothing but empty promises? When will we learn to hold them accountable? #AccountabilityNow #PoliticsAsUsual

Tweet 3 And don't even get me started on the corruption! It's like they think they're above the law. When will we see some real change? #CorruptionMustFall #JusticeForAll

Tweet 4 I'm so tired of being told to "wait and see" or "give them a chance". When will we demand more from our leaders? When will we demand better? #DemandBetter #LeadershipMatters

Tweet 5 And to all my fellow citizens who are just as frustrated as I am, let's make our voices heard! Let's demand change! Let's take back our country! #TakeBackOurCountry #WeThePeople

Tweet 6 To all the politicians out there, listen up! We're watching you. We're waiting for you to deliver. And if you don't, we'll make sure you're held accountable. #HoldingYouAccountable #PoliticsAsUsual

Tweet 7 It's time for a change. It's time for real leaders who care about the people, not just their own power and wealth. Let's make it happen! #ChangeIsComing #NewEra