Simi goes on political tirade on twitter #

Here's a possible Twitter thread from Simi:

Tweet 1 Can't believe what's going on in our country right now! Politicians are more concerned with their own power struggles than the welfare of the people. When did we forget that we're supposed to be serving the people, not just ourselves? #Politics #Corruption

Tweet 2 And don't even get me started on the state of our education system! Our kids are being taught to memorize facts instead of think critically. We're producing a generation of sheep, not leaders. When will we prioritize critical thinking and problem-solving skills? #Education #Reform

Tweet 3 And what's with the constant bickering and name-calling? Can't we have a civil conversation without resorting to personal attacks? We're all human beings, not enemies. Let's focus on finding common ground and working together for the greater good. #Politics #Respect

Tweet 4 And don't even get me started on the environment! We're destroying our planet for short-term gains. When will we prioritize the future of our planet and the well-being of all living beings? #ClimateChange #Sustainability

Tweet 5 And to all the politicians out there, listen up! We're watching you, and we won't forget what you do. We demand transparency, accountability, and real change. It's time to put the people first, not just your own interests. #Politics #Accountability

Tweet 6 And to all my fellow citizens, let's not give up! We have the power to create change, to demand better from our leaders, and to build a better future for ourselves and our children. Let's rise up and take back our country! #Resistance #Change