Sign african free trade agreement acci urges fg

Here is the text:

"Sign African Free Trade Agreement, ACCI Urges FG"

The Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) has called on the Federal Government to sign the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement to boost intra-African trade and economic growth.

The ACCI made the call in a statement issued on Tuesday, saying that the signing of the agreement would create a single market for goods and services across Africa, with a potential market size of over 1.2 billion people and a combined GDP of over $2.5 trillion.

According to the statement, the AfCFTA agreement would also promote economic integration, increase competitiveness, and improve the business environment in Africa.

The ACCI also urged the government to take concrete steps to implement the agreement, including the establishment of a national committee to oversee the implementation of the agreement and the development of a national strategy to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the agreement.

The statement read in part: "The ACCI believes that the signing of the AfCFTA agreement is a critical step towards promoting economic integration and cooperation in Africa. We urge the Federal Government to take immediate action to sign the agreement and implement its provisions to the benefit of Nigerian businesses and the economy as a whole."

The ACCI also called on the government to provide support to Nigerian businesses to enable them to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the agreement, including providing training and capacity building for businesses to improve their competitiveness and ability to export goods and services to other African countries.

The statement concluded: "The ACCI is confident that the signing of the AfCFTA agreement will have a positive impact on the Nigerian economy and we urge the Federal Government to take immediate action to sign the agreement and implement its provisions."