Shortcut for adding new row in excel

There are several shortcuts to add a new row in Excel:

  1. Ctrl + Shift + + (Windows) or Command + Shift + + (Mac): This is the most common shortcut to add a new row.
  2. Alt + Shift + + (Windows) or Option + Shift + + (Mac): This shortcut is also widely used.
  3. Right-click on the row header and select "Insert": You can right-click on the row header (the gray area at the top of the column) and select "Insert" to add a new row.
  4. Drag the row header down: You can also drag the row header down to add a new row. Simply click and hold on the row header, then drag it down to the desired location.

Note: The shortcuts only work if you are in a cell or the row header. If you are in a cell, you need to press the shortcut while the cell is selected.