Short prayer for new year

Here are a few short prayers for the New Year:

Prayer for a Fresh Start

Dear God, as we welcome a new year, I come to you seeking a fresh start. Help me to leave behind the mistakes of the past and to start anew. Give me the courage to take risks and to pursue my dreams. May this year be a time of growth, learning, and joy. Amen.

Prayer for Guidance

Dear God, as we enter this new year, I ask for your guidance and wisdom. Help me to make wise decisions and to stay focused on what is truly important. Give me the strength to overcome obstacles and to persevere in the face of challenges. May this year be a time of discovery and fulfillment. Amen.

Prayer for Gratitude

Dear God, as we celebrate the start of a new year, I want to express my gratitude for all the blessings in my life. Thank you for the people, experiences, and opportunities that have enriched my life. Help me to continue to cultivate a spirit of gratitude and to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world around me. May this year be a time of joy and contentment. Amen.

Prayer for Hope

Dear God, as we look to the future, I ask for your hope and optimism. Help me to see the possibilities and to believe that this year will be a time of growth, healing, and transformation. Give me the courage to dream big and to take bold steps towards my goals. May this year be a time of hope and promise. Amen.

I hope these prayers inspire you as you reflect on the start of a new year!