Short news report example for students

Here's a short news report example for students:

Headline: New Study Reveals Benefits of Recycling

Location: Washington D.C.

Date: March 10, 2023

A recent study conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found that recycling can have a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The study, which analyzed data from 2019, found that recycling helped to reduce carbon emissions by 117 million metric tons, equivalent to taking 24 million cars off the road.

The study also found that recycling helped to conserve natural resources, such as water and energy, and reduced the need for landfills. According to the EPA, recycling also created jobs and stimulated economic growth.

The study's findings are being hailed as a major victory for environmental advocates, who have long argued that recycling is a crucial step in reducing the country's carbon footprint.

Quote: "This study shows that recycling is not just good for the environment, but also good for the economy," said EPA Administrator, Michael Regan. "We urge all Americans to do their part and recycle more, so we can continue to make progress on reducing greenhouse gas emissions."

Additional Facts:


Keywords: recycling, greenhouse gas emissions, carbon footprint, environmental protection, economy.

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Note: This is just an example, and you should always verify the accuracy of the information and sources before publishing a news report.