Shika drommo most high god

I think you may be referring to the Shikha Drommo, a revered figure in Tibetan Buddhism.

Shikha Drommo (also known as Dromtönpa) was a renowned Tibetan Buddhist master and one of the most important disciples of Atiśa, a renowned Indian Buddhist master. He is considered one of the most important figures in the development of Tibetan Buddhism.

Shikha Drommo was born in the 11th century and was a student of Atiśa, who was known for his expertise in the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions of Buddhism. Shikha Drommo was deeply devoted to his teacher and spent many years studying with him.

After Atiśa's passing, Shikha Drommo became one of the most important figures in Tibetan Buddhism, known for his wisdom, compassion, and spiritual accomplishments. He was said to possess great spiritual powers and was revered by many as a living Buddha.

Shikha Drommo is also credited with establishing the first monastery in Tibet, the Nalanda Monastery, which became a major center of Buddhist learning and practice. He also played a key role in the development of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, helping to spread Buddhism throughout Tibet and establishing many monasteries and centers of learning.

In Tibetan Buddhism, Shikha Drommo is considered a "most high god" (Tibetan: སེམས་ཅན་ལྷ་ཆེན་, Wylie: sems can lha chen), a title that reflects his high level of spiritual realization and his role as a revered teacher and master.