Shiite imn boycott nigerian govt panel probing rights abuses military question composition #comments

It appears that the Shi'ite Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) is boycotting a Nigerian government panel set up to investigate human rights abuses, particularly those committed by the military. The IMN is questioning the composition of the panel, suggesting that it may not be impartial or effective in addressing their concerns.

Here are some possible reasons why the IMN might be boycotting the panel:

  1. Lack of representation: The IMN may feel that they are not adequately represented on the panel, and that their voices and concerns are not being taken seriously.
  2. Perceived bias: The IMN may believe that the panel is biased towards the government or the military, and that it will not provide a fair and impartial investigation into human rights abuses.
  3. Previous experiences: The IMN may have had negative experiences with previous government panels or investigations, which has led them to be skeptical of the current panel's ability to deliver justice.
  4. Political motivations: The IMN may be boycotting the panel as a way to protest against the government's perceived persecution of the group, or to draw attention to their own grievances and demands.

It's worth noting that the IMN has been involved in several conflicts with the Nigerian government and military in the past, and has accused the government of human rights abuses and persecution. The group has also been banned by the government, which has led to further tensions and conflicts.

Overall, the IMN's boycott of the panel is likely a reflection of their deep-seated mistrust and skepticism of the government's ability to address their concerns and deliver justice.