Sherwood hits out at mourinho over absolutely disgusting spurs

It seems like there's been a bit of a controversy brewing in the world of football!

Chris Sherwood, the manager of Tottenham Hotspur, has apparently taken aim at Jose Mourinho, his predecessor, over some comments made about the team. Specifically, Sherwood has hit out at Mourinho's criticism of Spurs, calling it "absolutely disgusting".

It's worth noting that Mourinho was sacked by Spurs in April 2021, and since then, Sherwood has taken over as the team's manager. It's not uncommon for managers to have differing opinions on how a team should be run, and it seems like Sherwood is standing up for his own vision and approach.

Do you have any thoughts on this controversy? Are you a Spurs fan, or do you have a favorite team in the Premier League?