Shell set to resume tnp pipeline test

A very specific question!

To set a shell to resume a TNP (Test Network Pipeline) pipeline test, you'll need to use a combination of shell commands and pipeline-specific tools. Here's a general outline of the steps:

  1. Identify the pipeline test: First, identify the specific TNP pipeline test you want to resume. You can do this by checking the pipeline test logs or by using a pipeline management tool like tnp list or tnp status.
  2. Get the pipeline test ID: Once you've identified the pipeline test, note down its ID. This ID will be used to resume the test.
  3. Use tnp resume command: Use the tnp resume command to resume the pipeline test. The command syntax is:
    tnp resume <pipeline_test_id>

    Replace <pipeline_test_id> with the actual ID of the pipeline test you want to resume.


tnp resume 1234567890
  1. Verify the test is resumed: After running the tnp resume command, verify that the pipeline test is indeed resumed by checking the pipeline test logs or using a pipeline management tool like tnp status.

Here's an example of how you can use the tnp resume command in a shell script:


# Set the pipeline test ID

# Resume the pipeline test
tnp resume $pipeline_test_id

# Verify the test is resumed
tnp status $pipeline_test_id

Note that the tnp command is specific to the TNP pipeline testing tool, and the syntax may vary depending on your specific use case.