Shell ejama community dispute first bank sets record straight

It appears that you're referring to a news article or statement from First Bank regarding a community dispute in Ejama, Shell. Here's a summary of the article:

Title: First Bank Sets Record Straight on Ejama Community Dispute

Summary: First Bank has issued a statement to clarify the situation surrounding a community dispute in Ejama, Shell, which has been reported in the media. The bank has denied allegations of wrongdoing and has emphasized its commitment to resolving the issue amicably.

Key Points:

  1. Dispute Background: The dispute reportedly began when a group of Ejama community members accused First Bank of allegedly withholding funds meant for a community development project.
  2. Bank's Response: First Bank has denied the allegations, stating that the funds were never received by the bank and that the project was never initiated.
  3. Investigation: The bank has launched an investigation into the matter and has assured the community that it will work to resolve the issue fairly and transparently.
  4. Commitment to Community: First Bank has reiterated its commitment to supporting the Ejama community and has expressed its willingness to engage with community leaders to find a mutually beneficial solution.

Quote: "We understand the concerns of the Ejama community and are committed to resolving this matter amicably. We have always been a responsible and committed partner to the community, and we will continue to work towards finding a solution that benefits all parties involved."

Conclusion: The statement from First Bank aims to set the record straight and reassure the Ejama community that the bank is committed to resolving the dispute fairly and transparently. The bank's commitment to the community and its willingness to engage with community leaders to find a solution is a positive step towards resolving the issue.