Sheikh zakzaky latest news

Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky is a Nigerian Islamic cleric and the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN). He has been a prominent figure in Nigerian politics and has been involved in several controversies and conflicts. Here are some of the latest news and updates about Sheikh Zakzaky:

Recent Developments:

  1. Detention: Sheikh Zakzaky has been in detention since December 2015, when he was arrested by the Nigerian military following a violent crackdown on his followers in Zaria, Kaduna State.
  2. Health Concerns: Sheikh Zakzaky's health has been a major concern in recent times. He has been suffering from eye problems and has been in need of medical attention. In August 2020, his wife, Zeenat Ibrahim, was released from detention and allowed to travel abroad for medical treatment.
  3. Court Ruling: In July 2020, a Federal High Court in Abuja ordered the release of Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife from detention, citing their right to freedom and the need for them to receive medical treatment. However, the Nigerian government has appealed the ruling, and Sheikh Zakzaky remains in detention.
  4. Protests and Demonstrations: The IMN has continued to hold protests and demonstrations demanding Sheikh Zakzaky's release and calling for an end to his detention. These protests have often turned violent, with clashes between IMN members and security forces resulting in injuries and fatalities.
  5. International Pressure: There have been calls from international human rights organizations and governments for Sheikh Zakzaky's release. In August 2020, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) called for his release, citing concerns about his health and the need for him to receive medical treatment.

Recent Quotes:

  1. Sheikh Zakzaky: "I am not a terrorist, I am a Muslim, and I am a Nigerian. I have the right to live in this country and to practice my faith without fear of persecution."
  2. Zeenat Ibrahim: "My husband is a sick man, and he needs medical attention. We are not asking for anything extraordinary, just for him to receive the medical treatment he needs."
  3. IMN Spokesperson: "We will continue to protest and demand Sheikh Zakzaky's release until he is freed. We will not be silenced or intimidated by the government's actions."

Recent Videos:

  1. Sheikh Zakzaky's Health: A video showing Sheikh Zakzaky's deteriorating health condition has been circulating on social media, sparking concerns about his well-being.
  2. IMN Protests: Videos of IMN protests and demonstrations have been shared on social media, showing clashes between IMN members and security forces.
  3. Sheikh Zakzaky's Message: A video message from Sheikh Zakzaky has been shared on social media, in which he urges his followers to remain peaceful and to continue demanding his release.

Please note that the information provided is based on publicly available sources and may not reflect the most up-to-date information.