Sheathe swords abba moro begs pdp leaders

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or event. For those who may not be aware, "Sheathe Swords" is a phrase that means to put away or cease from conflict or violence.

According to reports, Abba Moro, a former Minister of Interior, has called on leaders of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to sheathe their swords and work together to strengthen the party.

Moro, who is a chieftain of the PDP, made this appeal during a meeting with the party's leaders in Abuja. He emphasized the need for unity and cooperation among party members to ensure the party's success in future elections.

It's worth noting that the PDP has been plagued by internal conflicts and power struggles in recent times, which has affected its ability to present a united front against its opponents. Moro's appeal is seen as a call to end these conflicts and work towards a common goal.

I hope this helps clarify the situation. Let me know if you have any further questions!