Sheath your sword clark to bayelsans

I think I see what's going on here!

It seems like you're referencing a popular Nigerian meme that has been circulating online, particularly among Bayelsans (people from Bayelsa State in Nigeria).

The phrase "Sheath your sword, Clark to Bayelsans" is a humorous way of saying "calm down, Clark" or "relax, Clark" to Bayelsans. It's a lighthearted jab at the perceived fiery personality of Chief Edwin Clark, a prominent Nigerian politician from Bayelsa State.

In this context, "sheathing one's sword" is a metaphor for putting aside one's anger or aggression, and "Clark to Bayelsans" is a playful way of addressing Bayelsans as if they're a single entity.

So, if someone says "Sheath your sword, Clark to Bayelsans," they're essentially saying "chill out, Bayelsans!"