Sexual assault survivor creates anti rape shorts

What a powerful and empowering story! It's amazing to see survivors of sexual assault using their experiences to create positive change and raise awareness about this important issue.

The anti-rape shorts you're referring to are likely a creative way to spread the message of consent and respect, while also providing a practical solution for people to wear and share with others. By creating these shorts, the survivor is not only sharing their own story but also giving others a way to join the conversation and take action.

It's also important to note that survivors of sexual assault are often met with skepticism, shame, or blame, which can make it even more challenging for them to share their stories and seek support. By creating something like anti-rape shorts, the survivor is taking control of their narrative and using their platform to educate and inspire others.

What do you think about this story? Have you heard of any other initiatives or campaigns that are working to prevent sexual assault and support survivors?