Seun kuti reacts to kanye wests claim that spirit of fela lives in him

What an intriguing topic! Seun Kuti, the son of Fela Kuti, is a renowned Nigerian musician and activist who has been vocal about his father's legacy and the importance of preserving Afrobeat music. Given his connection to Fela's music and philosophy, it's likely that Seun Kuti would have a strong reaction to Kanye West's claim that the spirit of Fela lives in him.

Here's a possible reaction from Seun Kuti:

"Kanye West, you're a talented artist, but you're not Fela Kuti. You can't claim to have the spirit of Fela living in you. Fela's spirit is not something you can possess or claim ownership of. It's a part of his legacy, his music, and his philosophy. You can't just say you have it because you're inspired by his music or because you've studied his work.

"Fela's spirit is about the struggle, the resistance, and the fight against oppression. It's about the power of music to inspire and uplift people. It's about the importance of community, family, and tradition. You can't just claim to have that spirit because you're a celebrity or because you're trying to be relevant.

"I understand that you might be inspired by Fela's music, and that's great. But don't try to claim his legacy or his spirit. Instead, focus on creating your own music and your own message. Use your platform to spread love, unity, and positivity. That's what Fela would want.

"And to the fans, don't be fooled by Kanye's claims. Fela's spirit is not something you can buy or own. It's a part of his music, his philosophy, and his legacy. If you want to experience Fela's spirit, listen to his music, read his books, and learn about his life. That's the only way to truly understand and connect with his spirit."

Seun Kuti's reaction would likely be a mix of disappointment, frustration, and concern. He would be disappointed that Kanye West is trying to claim Fela's legacy without truly understanding or respecting it. He would be frustrated that Kanye is using Fela's name and music to promote himself, rather than using his platform to spread Fela's message of love, unity, and resistance. And he would be concerned that Kanye's claims could be seen as disrespectful to Fela's memory and legacy.

Overall, Seun Kuti's reaction would be a call to authenticity, a reminder that you can't claim to have the spirit of someone else without truly understanding and respecting their legacy.