Sermonnotebook org new testament is a fantastic resource for creating and organizing sermon notes, and they have a dedicated section for the New Testament. Here's an overview of what you can find:

New Testament Overview

The New Testament section of is divided into 27 books, covering the entire New Testament canon. Each book has its own page, where you can take notes, highlight important passages, and organize your thoughts.


Here are some of the key features you'll find in the New Testament section:

  1. Book Summaries: Brief summaries of each book, highlighting its main themes, authors, and key events.
  2. Chapter Outlines: Outlines of each chapter, helping you to quickly navigate and organize your notes.
  3. Verse-by-Verse Notes: A space to take notes on each verse, with options to highlight, underline, and add tags.
  4. Commentary: A built-in commentary section where you can add your own insights, observations, and applications.
  5. Tagging and Filtering: Use tags to categorize your notes and filter them by topic, theme, or book.
  6. Search Function: Quickly search for specific verses, words, or phrases across all your notes.
  7. Export Options: Export your notes in various formats, such as PDF, CSV, or even a sermon outline template.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the New Testament section on

  1. Start with a blank slate: Begin each book or chapter with a fresh set of notes, rather than copying and pasting from another source.
  2. Use tags strategically: Create a consistent tagging system to help you quickly find related notes across different books.
  3. Keep it concise: Focus on capturing the main ideas and key verses, rather than trying to write a comprehensive commentary.
  4. Use the commentary section: This is a great place to record your own insights, observations, and applications, rather than just copying from other sources.
  5. Experiment with different formats: Try using different formats, such as mind maps or concept maps, to help you visualize and organize your notes.

By using's New Testament section, you'll be able to create a comprehensive and organized system for studying and preaching the New Testament. Happy note-taking!