Sermon on new name

Here is a sermon on the topic of a new name:

Title: "A New Name, A New Identity"

Text: Genesis 17:1-27, especially verses 5-6


Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a rut, like you're going through the motions of life without any sense of purpose or direction? Maybe you've been feeling like you're just going through the motions, like you're just a cog in a machine, without any sense of who you are or where you're going. Well, today, we're going to talk about something that can change all of that. We're going to talk about the power of a new name.

The Old Name:

In Genesis 17, we find the story of Abraham, a man who was called by God to leave his old life behind and start a new one. But before God could call him to this new life, God had to give him a new name. You see, Abraham's old name, Abram, meant "exalted father," but it was a name that didn't quite fit who he was becoming. God was calling him to be a new person, to be a father of many nations, and so God gave him a new name: Abraham, which means "father of many."

The New Name:

But why is a new name so important? Why did God bother to change Abraham's name? Well, a name is more than just a label or a label. A name is an identity, it's who we are. And when God gave Abraham a new name, He was giving him a new identity. He was saying, "You are no longer just a man, you are a father of many nations." He was giving him a new sense of purpose and direction.

The Power of a New Name:

But the power of a new name goes beyond just a label or a label. It's a symbol of a new relationship, a new covenant, a new way of living. When we receive a new name, we are receiving a new identity, a new sense of purpose and direction. We are being called to leave our old lives behind and start a new one.

The New Name for Us:

So what does this mean for us? What does it mean to receive a new name? Well, it means that we are no longer just who we used to be. We are no longer just a sinner, we are a saint. We are no longer just a slave to sin, we are a child of God. We are no longer just a stranger, we are a member of God's family.


So today, I want to leave you with a challenge. I want to challenge you to receive a new name. I want to challenge you to leave your old life behind and start a new one. I want to challenge you to receive a new identity, a new sense of purpose and direction. Because when we receive a new name, we are receiving a new life, a new way of living. We are receiving a new relationship with God, a new covenant, a new way of living.


Dear God, we come to you today, seeking a new name, a new identity. We come to you, seeking a new sense of purpose and direction. We come to you, seeking to leave our old lives behind and start a new one. Help us to receive your new name, your new identity. Help us to leave our old selves behind and start a new life in you. Amen.