Sermon on new garment

Here is a sermon on the topic of "A New Garment":

Title: "A New Garment: A Symbol of Spiritual Renewal"

Text: Matthew 9:16-17, "No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment and the tear will be worse. Neither do people put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins will burst, the wine will spill out, and the wineskins will be ruined."


In today's passage, Jesus teaches us about the importance of spiritual renewal. He uses two vivid illustrations to drive home the point that we cannot patch up our old ways of living with new spiritual practices. Instead, we need to be willing to let go of our old garments and old wineskins, and receive a new garment and new wine.

The Old Garment:

The old garment represents our old ways of living, our old habits, and our old thought patterns. These things may have served us well in the past, but they are no longer effective in helping us grow spiritually. In fact, they can even hinder our spiritual growth and lead to further damage.

Think about it. When we try to patch up our old garments with new spiritual practices, we often find that they don't quite fit. The patch may look good at first, but soon it begins to fray and fall apart. The old garment is still there, and it's still causing us to tear and to struggle.

The New Garment:

But Jesus offers us a new garment, a new way of living that is designed to help us grow spiritually. This new garment is not just a patch or a repair job, but a completely new and transformed way of being.

When we receive this new garment, we are not just getting a new set of rules or a new set of practices. We are getting a new way of seeing the world, a new way of relating to God, and a new way of living in community with others.

The Old Wineskins:

The old wineskins represent our old ways of thinking and our old ways of relating to God. Just as old wineskins can't hold new wine, our old ways of thinking and relating to God can't hold the new wine of the Spirit.

When we try to pour new wine into old wineskins, we find that the wine spills out and the wineskins are ruined. This is what happens when we try to fit new spiritual practices into our old ways of living. The new wine of the Spirit is meant to transform us, but it can't do so if we're still holding onto our old ways.


So what does this mean for us today? It means that we need to be willing to let go of our old garments and old wineskins. We need to be willing to receive a new garment and new wine, and to allow God to transform us from the inside out.

This is not an easy process, but it is a necessary one. As we receive this new garment and new wine, we will find that our lives are transformed in ways we never thought possible. We will find that we are able to live more fully, more freely, and more joyfully.

So let us pray that God would give us the courage and the willingness to let go of our old garments and old wineskins, and to receive the new garment and new wine that He has for us. May we be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and may we live as new creations in Christ.