Sermon illustration on good news

Here are a few sermon illustration ideas on the good news of Jesus Christ:

  1. The Lost Child: Imagine a young child who has wandered away from their parents in a crowded park. They're scared, alone, and don't know how to find their way back home. But then, a kind stranger approaches them and says, "I know exactly where you live. I'll take you home and introduce you to your parents. You're safe now." This is what Jesus does for us. He finds us in our lostness and takes us home to a relationship with God.

  2. The Broken Radio: Think of a radio that's been broken for years, unable to receive any signal or play any music. But then, someone comes along and fixes it. Suddenly, the radio is filled with beautiful music and clear messages. This is what Jesus does for us. He fixes our broken relationship with God and fills our lives with purpose, hope, and joy.

  3. The Doctor's Diagnosis: Imagine receiving a diagnosis from a doctor that you've been living with a terminal illness. But then, a specialist comes along and says, "I've studied your case, and I have good news. There's a cure available, and it's already been paid for. You're healed." This is what Jesus offers us. He takes away our sin and its consequences, and offers us eternal life.

  4. The Prisoner's Release: Picture a prisoner who's been locked up for years, with no hope of parole. But then, the governor comes along and says, "I've reviewed your case, and I'm granting you a full pardon. You're free to go." This is what Jesus does for us. He sets us free from the prison of sin and gives us a new life in Christ.

  5. The Light in the Darkness: Imagine being in a dark room with no light in sight. But then, someone turns on a lamp, and suddenly the room is filled with light. This is what Jesus does for us. He brings light into our darkness, illuminating our path and guiding us towards eternal life.

  6. The Masterpiece: Think of a beautiful painting that's been hidden away in a dusty attic for years. But then, an art expert comes along and says, "This is a masterpiece. It's worth a fortune, and it's been waiting for you all along." This is what Jesus says about us. He sees us as a masterpiece, created in His image, and worth more than all the riches in the world.

These illustrations can help bring the good news of Jesus Christ to life and make it more relatable and memorable for your congregation.