Seriki new song

You're looking for the latest song from Seriki, a popular Nigerian indigenous rapper!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Seriki has been quite active in the music scene, releasing new songs and collaborations. Here are a few of his recent songs:

  1. "Omo Ologo" (2022) - A high-energy song with a catchy hook and Seriki's signature Yoruba rap style.
  2. "Kokoro" (2022) - A melodic song with a blend of Afrobeats and rap, featuring Seriki's storytelling ability.
  3. "Eko" (2021) - A song that showcases Seriki's lyrical prowess, with a focus on his hometown, Lagos.
  4. "Ori Mi" (2021) - A motivational song with a strong message, encouraging listeners to stay focused and believe in themselves.

Please note that music releases can happen frequently, so it's possible that Seriki has released new songs since my knowledge cutoff. I recommend checking out his official social media channels or music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music to stay updated on his latest releases!