Serap urges sanwo olu to obey judgment stopping compulsory blood donation in lagos hospitals

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a statement made by Serap, a human rights organization, urging Sanwo-Olu, the Governor of Lagos State, to obey a judgment that stops compulsory blood donation in Lagos hospitals.

For those who may not be aware, the judgment in question is likely a court ruling that declared the practice of compulsory blood donation in Lagos hospitals as unconstitutional and illegal. The ruling may have been made in response to complaints from patients and their families who felt that the practice was coercive and violated their human rights.

Serap, in urging Sanwo-Olu to obey the judgment, is likely calling on the Governor to ensure that the judgment is implemented in practice, and that patients are no longer forced to donate blood against their will. This is a significant development, as it highlights the importance of upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of individuals, even in situations where there may be competing interests or concerns.

It's worth noting that the judgment may have significant implications for the healthcare system in Lagos State, particularly in terms of ensuring that patients receive the care they need without being subjected to coercive practices. It's also important to recognize that the judgment may have broader implications for the protection of human rights in Nigeria, and may set an important precedent for future cases.

Overall, Serap's call for Sanwo-Olu to obey the judgment is a crucial step in ensuring that the rights of patients are protected, and that the healthcare system in Lagos State is fair and just for all.