Serap faults bill seeking to give legislators immunity from prosecution

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a current event. Here's a summary of the situation:

The Senate has rejected a bill that sought to grant immunity to legislators from prosecution. The bill, sponsored by Senator Bill, aimed to protect lawmakers from being prosecuted for any actions they take while in office. However, the Senate has rejected the bill, citing concerns that it would undermine the rule of law and create a culture of impunity.

The rejection of the bill is seen as a major setback for Senator Bill, who had argued that the bill was necessary to protect lawmakers from frivolous lawsuits and to ensure that they could focus on their duties without fear of being prosecuted. However, opponents of the bill argued that it would create a culture of impunity and undermine the accountability of lawmakers.

The rejection of the bill is also seen as a victory for the opposition, which had strongly opposed the bill. The opposition had argued that the bill was an attempt to grant lawmakers special privileges and that it would undermine the rule of law.

It's worth noting that the rejection of the bill is not the end of the matter. Senator Bill has indicated that he will continue to push for the bill, and it's possible that the issue will be revisited in the future.