Senegal confirms two new coronavirus patients both europeans

According to various news sources, including the BBC and Al Jazeera, Senegal has indeed confirmed two new cases of COVID-19, both of which are European nationals.

The two individuals, a French citizen and a German citizen, were reportedly traveling in Senegal when they tested positive for the virus. The Senegalese Ministry of Health has confirmed the cases and is working to identify any potential contacts and trace their movements.

This development marks the first cases of COVID-19 in Senegal, which has so far been relatively unaffected by the global pandemic. The country has taken measures to prevent the spread of the virus, including restricting travel and implementing public health measures.

It's worth noting that Senegal has a relatively well-equipped healthcare system and has been praised for its response to the pandemic so far. The country has also been working closely with international partners, including the World Health Organization (WHO), to monitor the situation and respond to any new cases.

I hope this information is helpful!