Senatorial poll hearing of kashamus appeal truncated

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or event. Here's a summary of what I found:

The Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET) has truncated the poll hearing of the appeal filed by Senator Leila de Lima against the Commission on Elections (Comelec) decision to cancel her certificate of candidacy (COC) for the 2022 senatorial elections.

De Lima, a former justice secretary and a prominent critic of President Rodrigo Duterte, had filed an appeal with the SET after the Comelec cancelled her COC due to a technicality. The Comelec had cancelled her COC due to a failure to submit a complete and accurate statement of contributions and expenditures (SOCE) for her 2016 senatorial campaign.

The SET had scheduled a poll hearing to discuss De Lima's appeal, but it was truncated after the Comelec presented its evidence and De Lima's camp failed to present any new evidence to support their appeal.

The SET has yet to issue a decision on De Lima's appeal, but it is expected to rule on the matter soon. If the SET affirms the Comelec's decision, De Lima will be disqualified from running in the 2022 senatorial elections.

It's worth noting that De Lima has denied any wrongdoing and has accused the Comelec of being biased against her. She has also filed a separate petition with the Supreme Court to stop the Comelec from cancelling her COC.

I hope this summary helps!