Senate wants speedy disposal of cases involving crude oil theft the eagle online

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The Senate has called for the speedy disposal of cases involving crude oil theft in the country. This is to ensure that those found guilty of the crime are brought to justice and the nation's economy is protected.

The Senate made this call during a plenary session on Tuesday, where it considered a report by the Senate Committee on Petroleum (Upstream) on the activities of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and other agencies involved in the oil and gas sector.

The committee, led by Senator Bassey Akpan, had investigated the activities of the NNPC and other agencies, including the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC), the Nigerian Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), and the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR).

The committee found that crude oil theft was a major challenge facing the oil and gas sector, and that it was affecting the country's economy. It also found that the NNPC and other agencies were not doing enough to prevent the theft and to bring those found guilty to justice.

The committee recommended that the Senate should call on the Federal Government to take immediate action to address the issue of crude oil theft. It also recommended that the Senate should call on the NNPC and other agencies to take steps to prevent the theft and to bring those found guilty to justice.

The Senate, in its resolution, called on the Federal Government to take immediate action to address the issue of crude oil theft. It also called on the NNPC and other agencies to take steps to prevent the theft and to bring those found guilty to justice.

The Senate also called on the Attorney-General of the Federation to ensure that cases involving crude oil theft are disposed of speedily and that those found guilty are brought to justice.

The Senate's call for the speedy disposal of cases involving crude oil theft is a welcome development, as it will help to ensure that those found guilty of the crime are brought to justice and that the nation's economy is protected.

It is also important to note that the Senate's call for the speedy disposal of cases involving crude oil theft is a step in the right direction, as it will help to ensure that the country's oil and gas sector is protected and that the nation's economy is not affected by the theft.

In conclusion, the Senate's call for the speedy disposal of cases involving crude oil theft is a welcome development, as it will help to ensure that those found guilty of the crime are brought to justice and that the nation's economy is protected.