Senate urged on quick passage of pvp bill into law

It seems like you're referring to a recent development in the Philippines. Here's a summary:

The Philippine Senate has urged for the quick passage of the proposed bill that seeks to regulate and penalize private armed groups (PAGs) and private security agencies (PSAs) involved in private wars or "pork barrel" schemes.

The bill, known as Senate Bill No. 2037, aims to address the growing concern over the proliferation of PAGs and PSAs, which have been linked to various crimes, including murder, kidnapping, and extortion. The proposed law seeks to impose stricter regulations on these groups and hold their members accountable for their actions.

The Senate has urged the House of Representatives to pass the bill quickly, citing the need to address the growing problem of private wars and the need to protect the public from the activities of these groups.

It's worth noting that the bill has been pending in Congress for several years, and its passage is seen as a crucial step in addressing the issue of private wars and ensuring public safety.

Would you like to know more about the proposed bill or the issue of private wars in the Philippines?