Senate to strip president governors others of immunity

It seems like you're referring to a potential development in the political landscape. If I'm correct, you're asking about the possibility of the Senate stripping the President, governors, and others of their immunity.

To clarify, immunity refers to the protection from prosecution or legal action granted to certain individuals, such as heads of state, government officials, or others who hold positions of authority. This immunity is often intended to ensure that these individuals can perform their duties without fear of reprisal or legal consequences.

If the Senate were to strip these individuals of their immunity, it would likely mean that they would no longer be protected from prosecution or legal action. This could potentially lead to a range of consequences, including criminal charges, fines, or even imprisonment.

It's important to note that any such move would likely be a significant development in the political landscape, and would likely have far-reaching implications. It's also important to consider the potential consequences of such a move, and to weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks.

Can you tell me more about what you're thinking about this development? Are you concerned about the potential implications, or do you think it could be a positive step forward?