Senate slams 1 week ultimatum on committees to submit 2017 budget reports #

It seems like there's a news article or update about the Nigerian Senate. Here's a breakdown of the information:

It's likely that the Senate is trying to expedite the process of reviewing and approving the 2017 budget, which may have been delayed or stuck in committee. The 1-week ultimatum is a way to put pressure on the committees to complete their work and submit their reports on time.

Here's a possible reason for the delay: the 2017 budget was passed by the National Assembly in May 2017, but its implementation has been slow due to various reasons, including the delay in the release of funds by the Ministry of Finance. The Senate may be trying to speed up the process by giving the committees a deadline to submit their reports.

It's worth noting that the Senate has the power to approve or reject the budget reports submitted by its committees. If the reports are not submitted on time, it may delay the approval of the budget, which could have implications for the country's economy and development.