Senate seeks revival of almajiri schools built by former president jonathan 2

I think there may be some confusion here. Almajiri schools were not built by former President Goodluck Jonathan. In fact, the Almajiri system is a traditional Islamic education system in Northern Nigeria, where students learn Islamic studies and Arabic language in a residential setting.

However, I can provide some context and information on the Almajiri schools and the recent development you're referring to.

In 2013, the Federal Government of Nigeria, under the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan, launched a program to reform and revamp the Almajiri system. The program aimed to provide formal education to Almajiri students, who were previously only receiving Islamic education, and to integrate them into the mainstream education system.

As part of this initiative, the government built new schools and renovated existing ones to provide a more structured and formal education to Almajiri students. The program also aimed to provide vocational training and skills acquisition to equip the students with employable skills.

Recently, the Nigerian Senate has been seeking to revive and revamp the Almajiri schools, which were established during the Jonathan administration. The Senate has been pushing for the government to provide more resources and support to the Almajiri schools, which have been facing challenges in terms of funding, infrastructure, and teacher quality.

The Senate's move is aimed at ensuring that the Almajiri schools continue to provide quality education to the students and to help them integrate into the mainstream society. The revival of the Almajiri schools is also seen as a way to promote national unity and to address the issue of out-of-school children in Nigeria.

I hope this information helps clarify the situation. Let me know if you have any further questions!