Senate seeks revival of almajiri schools built by former president jonathan

I think there may be some misinformation here.

To clarify, the Almajiri system is a traditional Islamic education system in Nigeria, where students, often from poor backgrounds, live with their teachers and learn Islamic studies, Arabic, and other subjects. The system has been in existence for centuries.

Former President Goodluck Jonathan did not build Almajiri schools. The Almajiri system is a traditional and informal system of education that has been in place for many years.

However, during his presidency, Jonathan did launch initiatives to improve access to education, particularly for out-of-school children, including those in the Almajiri system. One such initiative was the "Almajiri Education Program" launched in 2013, which aimed to formalize and improve the quality of Almajiri education.

It's possible that the Senate is seeking to revive or improve this program, rather than building new Almajiri schools. The exact details of the Senate's proposal are not specified in your message, but I hope this clarifies the context.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can help with!