Senate president news

You're looking for news about the President of the Senate! Here are some recent updates:

Current President of the Senate:

The current President of the Senate is Kamala Harris (D-CA). She has been serving in this role since January 20, 2021, as the Vice President of the United States.

Recent News:

  1. Voting Rights Bill: President Harris has been a strong advocate for the passage of the For the People Act, a voting rights bill that aims to expand access to voting and reduce voter suppression. The bill has been stalled in the Senate, but Harris has continued to push for its passage.
  2. COVID-19 Relief: Harris has been involved in efforts to pass COVID-19 relief legislation, including the American Rescue Plan Act, which was signed into law in March 2021. She has also been working to address the ongoing pandemic and its impact on the country.
  3. Infrastructure Bill: Harris has been a key player in the negotiations surrounding the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a bipartisan bill aimed at investing in the country's infrastructure. The bill was signed into law in November 2021.
  4. Supreme Court Nomination: Harris has been involved in the process of selecting a nominee to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court left by the retirement of Justice Stephen Breyer. She has been working closely with President Biden to identify a qualified candidate.

Upcoming Events:

  1. State of the Union Address: President Harris is expected to deliver the State of the Union Address in February 2023, where she will outline the administration's priorities and accomplishments.
  2. Budget Negotiations: Harris will be involved in budget negotiations with Congressional leaders in the coming months, as the administration works to pass a budget for the 2024 fiscal year.

I hope this information is helpful!