Senate president deputy felicitate with vp osinbajo 63

It seems like you're referring to a recent event or news article. Here's a possible response:

The Senate President, Deputy Senate President, and other dignitaries have felicitated with Vice President Yemi Osinbajo on his 63rd birthday. The Vice President was born on March 8, 1957, and has been serving as the second-highest ranking official in the Nigerian government since 2015.

In their congratulatory messages, the Senate President and Deputy Senate President praised Osinbajo's dedication to public service and his contributions to the country's development. They also wished him good health, happiness, and continued success in his future endeavors.

It's worth noting that the Vice President's birthday is a significant event in Nigeria, and it's common for government officials, politicians, and other notable figures to send congratulatory messages to mark the occasion.