Senate okays fgs 22 7bn loan plan as lawan abaribe spar

It seems like you're referring to a recent development in the Nigerian Senate. Here's a summary of the situation:

Breaking News: Senate Approves FG's N22.7bn Loan Plan

The Nigerian Senate has approved a loan plan of N22.7 billion (approximately $57 million) proposed by the Federal Government to finance various projects. The loan was approved after a debate and voting by senators.

Lawan and Abaribe Clash

However, the approval was not without controversy. Senate President Ahmad Lawan and Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, a member of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), clashed during the debate. Abaribe opposed the loan, citing concerns about the country's debt profile and the lack of transparency in the loan agreement.

Key Points


The approval of the loan has sparked mixed reactions from Nigerians, with some welcoming the move as a step towards addressing the country's infrastructure challenges, while others have expressed concerns about the country's debt profile and the potential risks associated with borrowing.

What do you think about this development? Should the Federal Government be allowed to borrow more money to finance its projects? Share your thoughts!