Senate house news

Here are some recent news articles and updates from the United States Senate and House of Representatives:


  1. Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Passes Senate: The Senate passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill on August 10, 2021, with a vote of 69-30. The bill aims to invest $1 trillion in infrastructure projects, including roads, bridges, and public transportation.
  2. Supreme Court Nomination: The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on August 4, 2021, to consider the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. The nomination is expected to be voted on by the full Senate in the coming weeks.
  3. COVID-19 Relief Bill: The Senate passed a COVID-19 relief bill on March 6, 2021, which includes funding for vaccine distribution, small business loans, and unemployment benefits.


  1. Infrastructure Bill Passes House: The House of Representatives passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill on November 5, 2021, with a vote of 228-206. The bill aims to invest in infrastructure projects, including roads, bridges, and public transportation.
  2. Build Back Better Act: The House passed the Build Back Better Act on November 19, 2021, with a vote of 220-213. The bill aims to invest in social programs, including healthcare, education, and climate change initiatives.
  3. Impeachment Inquiry: The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on December 13, 2021, to consider articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. The inquiry is related to Trump's alleged abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Recent News:

  1. Senator Mitch McConnell Tests Positive for COVID-19: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) tested positive for COVID-19 on August 6, 2021, and is isolating at home.
  2. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Tests Positive for COVID-19: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) tested positive for COVID-19 on January 12, 2022, and is isolating at home.
  3. Congress Passes Stopgap Funding Bill: Congress passed a stopgap funding bill on September 30, 2021, to prevent a government shutdown and provide temporary funding for federal agencies.

These are just a few examples of recent news and updates from the United States Senate and House of Representatives. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you find specific articles or updates on a particular topic.