Senate amend procurement law saraki

You're referring to the amendment of the Public Procurement Act (PPA) by the Nigerian Senate during the 8th National Assembly, which was led by Bukola Saraki as President of the Senate.

In 2017, the Senate passed the Public Procurement Amendment Bill, which aimed to reform the country's public procurement process. The bill was sponsored by Senator Samuel Anyanwu (PDP, Imo East) and co-sponsored by Senator Ahmed Ogembe (PDP, Kogi Central).

The amendment aimed to address some of the challenges in the public procurement process, including:

  1. Streamlining the procurement process: The amendment aimed to simplify the procurement process, reduce bureaucracy, and increase transparency.
  2. Enhancing accountability: The bill introduced stricter penalties for non-compliance with procurement regulations and increased the powers of the Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) to monitor and enforce compliance.
  3. Increasing transparency: The amendment required public procurement agencies to publish procurement plans, tender notices, and contract awards on their websites and in national newspapers.
  4. Improving competition: The bill introduced measures to promote competition in public procurement, including the requirement for bidders to demonstrate their technical and financial capabilities.
  5. Enhancing citizen participation: The amendment allowed citizens to participate in the procurement process by submitting complaints and suggestions to the BPP.

The Public Procurement Amendment Bill was sent to the House of Representatives for concurrence, but it was not passed before the 8th National Assembly was dissolved in 2019.

However, the bill's provisions have been incorporated into the Public Procurement Act 2007, which has undergone several amendments since its enactment. The current Public Procurement Act 2007 (as amended) is still in force, and it provides the framework for public procurement in Nigeria.