Seeds of destiny devotional praying in the holy ghost

Here is a devotional based on the theme "Praying in the Holy Ghost" from the Seeds of Destiny devotional by Pastor Paul Enenche:

Title: Praying in the Holy Ghost

Text: "And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained." - John 20:22-23


Praying in the Holy Ghost is a vital aspect of a believer's life. It is a way of communicating with God in a language that is not limited by human understanding or limitations. When we pray in the Holy Ghost, we are able to tap into the divine power and wisdom of God, and to receive answers to our prayers that are beyond human comprehension.

In John 20:22-23, we see Jesus breathing on his disciples and commanding them to receive the Holy Ghost. This act of breathing on them was a symbol of the impartation of the Holy Ghost, and it was a necessary step for them to be able to perform the miracles and ministry that Jesus had given them.

Similarly, when we pray in the Holy Ghost, we are able to receive the impartation of God's power and wisdom, and to be enabled to do the works of God. Praying in the Holy Ghost is not just a matter of speaking in tongues, but it is a way of communicating with God in a language that is beyond human understanding.

Prayer Points:

  1. Father, I thank you for the gift of the Holy Ghost in my life. I pray that you will help me to pray in the Holy Ghost more effectively, and to receive answers to my prayers that are beyond human comprehension.
  2. Lord, I ask that you will impart your power and wisdom to me as I pray in the Holy Ghost. Help me to be a vessel for your glory and to do the works of God.
  3. Father, I pray that you will help me to overcome any limitations or obstacles that may be hindering my prayer life. I ask that you will give me the ability to pray in the Holy Ghost with boldness and confidence.
  4. Lord, I ask that you will use me to bring glory to your name and to advance your kingdom. Help me to be a faithful servant and to do your will.


Praying in the Holy Ghost is a vital aspect of a believer's life. It is a way of communicating with God in a language that is not limited by human understanding or limitations. When we pray in the Holy Ghost, we are able to tap into the divine power and wisdom of God, and to receive answers to our prayers that are beyond human comprehension. I pray that you will be encouraged to pray in the Holy Ghost more effectively, and to receive answers to your prayers that are beyond human comprehension.