See photos funke akindele and hubby dance to shina peters music at the london premiere of her movie

I'm happy to help you with your request! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have have access to real-time information or specific photos. But I can try to provide some general information and suggestions on how to find what you're looking for.

Funke Akindele is a popular Nigerian actress, and it's possible that she and her husband, JJC Skillz, attended a movie premiere in London. Shina Peters is a Nigerian musician, and it's likely that his music was played at the event.

To find photos of Funke Akindele and her husband dancing to Shina Peters' music at the London premiere of her movie, you can try the following:

  1. Check out Funke Akindele's official social media accounts, such as Instagram or Twitter, to see if she posted any photos or videos from the event.
  2. Look for entertainment news websites or blogs that cover Nigerian celebrities and events. They may have published photos or articles about the movie premiere and the performances.
  3. Search for keywords like "Funke Akindele London premiere" or "JJC Skillz Shina Peters" on search engines like Google to find relevant results.
  4. Check out Nigerian entertainment websites or online platforms that cover celebrity news and events. They may have published photos or articles about the event.

Remember to always verify the authenticity of any photos or information you find online, and be cautious of fake or manipulated content.