See landmarks and cities deserted worldwide

Here are some famous landmarks and cities that are often deserted or have a eerie atmosphere:


  1. The Colosseum at Night (Rome, Italy) - The ancient amphitheater is often deserted at night, giving it an eerie and haunting atmosphere.
  2. The Taj Mahal at Dawn (Agra, India) - The iconic monument is often empty and serene at dawn, with the misty morning air adding to its mystique.
  3. The Pyramids of Giza at Sunset (Giza, Egypt) - The pyramids are often deserted at sunset, with the golden light casting a mystical glow over the ancient structures.
  4. The Christ the Redeemer Statue at Night (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) - The iconic statue is often lit up at night, but the surrounding area can be deserted, giving it a surreal atmosphere.
  5. The Eiffel Tower at Night (Paris, France) - The iron lady is often deserted at night, with the twinkling lights of the city below creating a romantic and peaceful atmosphere.


  1. Detroit, Michigan, USA - Once a thriving industrial city, Detroit is now a shadow of its former self, with many abandoned buildings and streets.
  2. Pripyat, Ukraine - This city was abandoned after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986 and is now a ghost town, with many buildings still intact.
  3. Varosha, Cyprus - This once-thriving resort town was abandoned in 1974 and remains a ghost town, with many buildings in disrepair.
  4. Centralia, Pennsylvania, USA - This town was abandoned in the 1980s due to a coal mine fire that has been burning since the 1960s, leaving behind a desolate landscape.
  5. Kadykchan, Russia - This former coal mining town in eastern Russia was abandoned in the 1990s and is now a ghost town, with many buildings still standing.
  6. Oradour-sur-Glane, France - This village was abandoned after a massacre during World War II and is now a museum and memorial, with many buildings still intact.
  7. Gunkanjima, Japan - This former coal mining island was abandoned in the 1970s and is now a popular tourist destination, with many abandoned buildings and streets.
  8. Craco, Italy - This ancient town was abandoned in the 1960s due to landslides and soil erosion, leaving behind a desolate landscape.
  9. Kashgar, China - This ancient city on the Silk Road was abandoned in the 1950s and is now a popular tourist destination, with many abandoned buildings and streets.
  10. San Zhi, Taiwan - This former resort town was abandoned in the 1980s and is now a popular tourist destination, with many abandoned buildings and streets.

These are just a few examples of the many deserted landmarks and cities around the world. Each one has its own unique story and atmosphere, and they can be fascinating to explore and photograph.