Security guard detained for allegedly sleeping on duty

A security guard was detained by his employer after he was allegedly caught sleeping on duty at a shopping mall in [City], [Country].

According to eyewitnesses, the security guard was seen sleeping on a bench in the mall's food court around [Time] on [Date]. The guard, who has not been named, was reportedly supposed to be patrolling the mall's premises as part of his duties.

The mall's management was alerted to the situation by a concerned customer, who took a photo of the guard sleeping and shared it on social media. The photo quickly went viral, sparking outrage and criticism towards the security guard and his employer.

The security guard was detained by his employer and is currently facing an internal investigation. The mall's management has also launched an investigation into the incident and has promised to take appropriate action against the guard if found guilty.

This incident highlights the importance of security guards being vigilant and attentive to their duties at all times. Sleeping on the job can compromise the safety and security of the public, and can also damage the reputation of the security company and the mall.

In a statement, the mall's management said: "We take the security of our customers and employees very seriously, and we will not tolerate any behavior that compromises that security. We are investigating this incident and will take appropriate action against the security guard if found guilty."

The security guard's employer has also issued a statement, saying: "We are aware of the incident and are taking it very seriously. We will conduct a thorough investigation and take appropriate action against the guard if found guilty."

This incident serves as a reminder to all security guards to remain vigilant and attentive to their duties at all times, and to prioritize the safety and security of the public.