Security five north west governors to meet in katsina thursday

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a report about a meeting between five North-West governors and the security agencies in Katsina State, Nigeria.

According to the report, the meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday and will involve the governors of Katsina, Zamfara, Sokoto, Kebbi, and Jigawa states. The meeting is aimed at discussing security challenges in the region, particularly the rising cases of banditry, kidnapping, and cattle rustling.

The meeting is expected to be attended by the Inspector-General of Police, the Director-General of the Department of State Services (DSS), and other top security officials. The governors are expected to share their experiences and challenges in addressing security issues in their respective states, and also discuss ways to collaborate and share intelligence to tackle the security threats.

It's worth noting that the North-West region of Nigeria has been experiencing significant security challenges in recent years, with many communities affected by banditry, kidnapping, and other forms of violence. The meeting between the governors and security agencies is seen as an important step towards addressing these challenges and finding lasting solutions.

Would you like to know more about the specific security challenges facing the North-West region or the measures being taken to address them?