Securities dealers allays investors fears on coronavirus

Here's a sample press release:

Securities Dealers Allay Investors' Fears on Coronavirus

[City, Date] - In response to the growing concerns about the impact of the coronavirus on the global economy, a group of leading securities dealers has issued a joint statement to reassure investors that the financial markets are well-equipped to withstand the current crisis.

The statement, issued by [list of securities dealers], emphasizes that while the coronavirus outbreak is a significant public health concern, it is not expected to have a lasting impact on the global economy or the financial markets.

"We understand that the current situation may be causing anxiety among investors, but we want to assure them that our markets are robust and resilient," said [Name], CEO of [Securities Dealer]. "We have been through similar challenges before, and we are confident that our systems and processes are designed to withstand unexpected events like this."

The statement highlights several key points that investors should be aware of:

"We urge investors to remain calm and to avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations," said [Name]. "We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service and advice during this challenging time."

The statement concludes by emphasizing that the securities dealers are committed to supporting their clients and the broader financial community during this period of uncertainty.

"We are confident that our markets will emerge from this crisis stronger and more resilient than ever," said [Name]. "We will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that our clients' investments are protected and that the financial markets remain stable and orderly."

Contact: [Name] [Securities Dealer] [Email] [Phone]