Sec restates commitment to resolve dantata success subscribers issues

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a statement from SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) regarding their commitment to resolving issues faced by subscribers of Dantata Success Microfinance Bank.

Here's a possible restatement of the commitment:

"SEC reiterates its commitment to ensuring that the interests of Dantata Success Microfinance Bank's subscribers are protected and resolved. We understand the concerns and frustrations faced by these subscribers and are working closely with the bank to address their issues in a timely and effective manner. Our primary goal is to restore confidence in the financial system and ensure that all stakeholders, including subscribers, are treated fairly and with transparency. We will continue to monitor the situation and take necessary actions to ensure that the interests of all parties are protected."

Please note that this is just a possible restatement and may not reflect the actual statement made by SEC. If you have any further information or context about the statement, I'd be happy to help you understand it better.