Sec pushes for trading of agric produce solid minerals in capital market

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Nigeria is pushing for the trading of agricultural produce and solid minerals in the capital market. This initiative aims to provide a platform for farmers and miners to access capital, manage risk, and increase their revenue through the listing of their products on the stock exchange.

The SEC has identified the agricultural and mining sectors as key areas of focus for the country's economic growth, and believes that listing these products on the stock exchange can help to:

  1. Increase access to capital: By listing their products on the stock exchange, farmers and miners can access a wider range of investors and raise capital to finance their operations.
  2. Improve market efficiency: The listing of agricultural produce and solid minerals on the stock exchange can help to improve market efficiency by providing a platform for price discovery and risk management.
  3. Enhance transparency: The listing of these products on the stock exchange can help to enhance transparency by providing a platform for companies to disclose their financial information and operations.
  4. Increase revenue: The listing of agricultural produce and solid minerals on the stock exchange can help to increase revenue for farmers and miners by providing a platform for them to sell their products to a wider range of buyers.

To achieve this goal, the SEC has established a framework for the listing of agricultural produce and solid minerals on the stock exchange. This framework includes:

  1. The establishment of a new market segment: The SEC has established a new market segment for agricultural produce and solid minerals, which will provide a platform for companies to list their products.
  2. The development of new listing rules: The SEC has developed new listing rules for agricultural produce and solid minerals, which will provide a framework for companies to list their products on the stock exchange.
  3. The establishment of a new regulatory framework: The SEC has established a new regulatory framework for the listing of agricultural produce and solid minerals, which will provide a framework for the regulation of these products.

The SEC has also partnered with various stakeholders, including the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD), to support the implementation of this initiative.

Overall, the SEC's initiative to list agricultural produce and solid minerals on the stock exchange is expected to provide a platform for farmers and miners to access capital, manage risk, and increase their revenue, and to contribute to the growth and development of the Nigerian economy.