Search party launched by turkey to find 10 migrants after boat sinks

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Turkey Launches Search Party to Find 10 Migrants After Boat Sinks

Turkey has launched a search and rescue operation to find 10 migrants who went missing after their boat sank off the coast of western Turkey. The incident occurred on Tuesday evening, when the boat carrying the migrants, believed to be from Afghanistan and Iran, capsized in the Aegean Sea.

According to reports, the migrants were trying to reach Greece, which is a popular destination for asylum seekers. The Turkish Coast Guard received a distress call from the boat, but by the time they arrived on the scene, the migrants had already disappeared.

The Turkish authorities have deployed several vessels, including helicopters and rescue boats, to search for the missing migrants. The search operation is being carried out in coordination with the Greek Coast Guard and other international organizations.

The incident highlights the ongoing issue of migrant smuggling and the risks that migrants face when attempting to cross the Aegean Sea. In recent years, there have been several tragic incidents involving migrant boats sinking or being intercepted by authorities, resulting in loss of life.

The Turkish government has been criticized for its handling of the migrant crisis, with many accusing it of not doing enough to prevent the smuggling of migrants and to protect their rights. The search operation is ongoing, and authorities are urging anyone with information about the missing migrants to come forward.