Sdt ruling on fkf elections will not hamper league operations kpl

I think there may be a bit of a language barrier or jargon issue here!

It seems like you're referring to a ruling by the Sports Dispute Tribunal (SDT) regarding the Football Kenya Federation (FKF) elections, and you're wondering if this ruling will affect the operations of the Kenyan Premier League (KPL).

To clarify, the SDT is an independent body that resolves disputes in Kenyan sports, including football. The FKF is the governing body for football in Kenya, and it's responsible for organizing elections for its leadership positions.

If the SDT has made a ruling on the FKF elections, it's likely that the ruling has implications for the FKF's internal affairs, such as the legitimacy of the elected leadership or the conduct of future elections.

However, it's unlikely that the SDT's ruling would directly impact the operations of the KPL, which is a separate entity that is responsible for organizing and governing the top-tier professional football league in Kenya. The KPL is not directly involved in the FKF's internal affairs, and its operations are not likely to be affected by the SDT's ruling.

That being said, if the SDT's ruling has broader implications for the governance of football in Kenya, it could potentially impact the KPL's operations indirectly. For example, if the ruling leads to changes in the FKF's leadership or structure, it could affect the KPL's relationship with the FKF or the way the two organizations work together.

I hope this helps clarify things!