Sdp new logo

A new logo for SDP!

SDP stands for Singapore Democratic Party, a political party in Singapore. Here's a potential new logo concept:

Logo Concept:

The logo features a stylized letter "S" made up of tiny, interconnected circles, representing the party's values of unity, inclusivity, and diversity. The circles also evoke the idea of a network or a web, symbolizing the party's commitment to building connections and fostering a sense of community among its members and supporters.

Color Scheme:

The primary color is a bright, energetic blue (#03A9F4), which represents trust, wisdom, and forward-thinking. The secondary color is a warm, golden yellow (#F7DC6F), which symbolizes optimism, creativity, and sunshine.


The stylized "S" shape is designed to be simple, yet distinctive and memorable. The circles within the "S" can be arranged in various ways to create different visual effects, such as a spiral pattern or a radial design.


The logotype is a clean, modern sans-serif font (e.g., Open Sans) with the party's name "Singapore Democratic Party" written in the primary blue color. The font is easy to read and scalable for use on various platforms.

Logo Variations:

To ensure versatility, the logo can be used in different formats, such as:

  1. Primary logo: The full logo with the stylized "S" and logotype.
  2. Icon-only logo: The stylized "S" shape without the logotype, useful for social media profiles or other small spaces.
  3. Logotype-only logo: The party's name in the primary blue color, suitable for use on business cards, letterheads, or other formal materials.


The new logo for SDP is designed to be modern, approachable, and memorable. It embodies the party's values and aspirations, while also being adaptable for use in various contexts.